Holiday Wishes

‘Twas a few days before Christmas and all through the shop, Gail and Robin were tattooing, the ink was non-stop!
The clients were nestled all snug in their chairs, while the scent of their green soap wafted strong through the air!
When out in the street there arose such a clatter, they sprang to their windows to see what was the matter.
When, what to their wondering eyes should appear, but a huge sleigh and eight prancing reindeer!
With a big jolly driver, so lively and quick, he was covered in tattoos and his name was St. Nick!
He whistled and shouted and called them by name! Gail and Robin looked at each other asking “Are we freakin’ insane?”
He said “Speak not a word and get straight back to your ink, you both are great artists!” then he turned with a wink.
They heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,”Merry Inking to all and to all a good night!”
Happy holidays from your friendly neighborhood tattooers!!